OK, perhaps this isn't the image that the local Chambers of Commerce want to promote, but you can find the occasional chicken in this urban area. I've seen them in south Ontario, and Student in Pomona has seen them also:
The other day...I found a chicken walking around my yard. It had actually been walking around quite often in my yard and figured it was a neighbors coming to hang out.
The student, being studious, became curious:
But the other day I decided to chase it around. It had three chicks following it and I wanted to see where it'd go. As it turns out, this chicken and her chicks have been LIVING in my yard without my knowledge!
More here. But I have the perfect club for Student:
Inland Empire Poultry Club
(Riverside, California)
We are a Riverside based Poultry Club. We meet once a month at various places and talk about poultry. This includes egg laying breeds, meat breeds, and pure bred.
Ducks, chickens, and turkeys are raised by our members for the sole enjoyment of having them. Some have been raising poultry for over 40 years. We meet, talk about breeding, feeding, raising, housing, showing, and caring for our beloved fancy. If you are interested in joining this group, please contact us via e-mail and we will send you out a newsletter with the current meeting place in it.
Poultry raising is a rewarding experience. Even if it is for your own personal enjoyment. We are here to help try and educated as well as provide a friendly atmosphere of poultry minded people.
And here is a list of places to avoid:
Welcome to the DiningGuide service for the Ontario - Inland Empire area. Please select one of the listings below for a profile of a place to eat in the "Chicken" category.
You don't want to be the honored guest at a dinner.
Oh, and by the way, Student in Pomona found a rampant case of sexism within Pomona's city limits.
Chickens ARE legal to keep in Pomona BUT Roosters are not.
Man - and I mean man - the barricades for freedom, people! First they came for the roosters...
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago