You can't have it both ways, Jerry.
From Inland Empire News:
Congress has approved a $410 billion federal spending bill that includes funds for San Bernardino and Riverside County projects sought by Congressman Jerry Lewis for needs ranging from a regional law enforcement fingerprint program to vital transportation and water system improvements.
The projects were approved as part of an omnibus spending bill that funds nearly all of the federal government’s operations beyond defense and homeland security. It will go into effect as soon as it is signed by President Obama.
Now I'm sure that if you honestly ask the rest of Congress about these things in Lewis' district, they'd confess that it's just a bunch of pork. But to Lewis, and to Lewis' constituents, these are extremely vital programs. You see, Congressman Lewis is against pork:
Lewis voted against the bill when it was considered in the House of Representatives because it includes massive new spending on programs that will not have an immediate effect on the faltering national economy.
So, in essence, Lewis is claiming credit for bringing funds to his district, even though he originally opposed the whole idea. And, in fact, the rest of the press release details every dollar that Lewis brought to his district. A sample:
The spending bill approves $2.8 million requested by Congressman Lewis to continue space radiation research through use of the Proton Beam Accelerator at Loma Linda University Medical Center. The project, which has received more than $50 million secured by Lewis over the past nine years, provides the National Aeronautics and Space Administration the ability to test human and spacesuit reaction to radiation levels that are expected to occur in space.
OK, I'm going to say something completely uncaring and cold. We've been sending people into space for almost a half-century now. Is it extremely critical and vital that we perform this testing right now? And how will this, in Lewis' own words, "have an immediate effect on the faltering national economy"?
The nerve.
McDonald's doesn't make hamburgers, and the National Labor Relations Board
agrees (for now)
Lately (and in the past) I've been musing a lot on the increasing use of
franchising, independent contractors, and other methods to isolate
companies from ...
5 years ago