This CBS 2 report describes the mobile fingerprinting devices that are used in Claremont, California.
New Device Gets Immediate Fingerprint Results
July 14, 2008, 11:55 p.m. PDT
A new technology helps authorities match fingerprints to a crime almost immediately. Lisa Sigell reports.
The TV story is also told via this press release.
Paul Cooper, Chief of Police
Police Department
For Immediate Release
July 14, 2008
Contact: Gary Jenkins, Captain
(909) 399-5411
Case #: 08-2431
Mobile ID Device Identifies Suspect Wanted for Violating Parole for Murder
Claremont, CA – On Friday, July 11, 2008, at about 6:00 p.m., the Claremont Police
Department began a DUI / Drivers License checkpoint on Indian Hill Blvd. just south of I-10. At about 6:15 p.m., a male subject driving through the checkpoint was detained when he was found to have no drivers license in his possession. He initially gave a name that resulted in “no match” with DMV. Officers then utilized the “Blue Check” mobile identification device to wirelessly run the subject’s index fingerprints through the Los Angeles County automated fingerprint identification system. In less than 5 minutes the subject was identified as Albert Dominguez, a 26-year-old Chino resident, who was wanted for violating parole from a murder conviction. Dominguez was immediately arrested and held at Claremont PD jail. He was subsequently released to the custody of the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department on July 14, who will arrange for his transfer to the California Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections.
Claremont PD received the “Blue Check” device from the Los Angeles County Regional
Identification System (LACRIS) on Thursday, July 10, and was used in Claremont for
the first time at the checkpoint the next day. The device was in operation for about 15 minutes before the device resulted in the apprehension of a potentially dangerous
The “Blue Check:” devices were acquired by the Los Angeles Police Department
through a Federal Homeland Security grant, and some have been distributed to other
Los Angeles County law enforcement agencies by LACRIS. The devices cost about
$1,000 each, and are used in conjunction with a mobile phone to transmit the
fingerprints and receive identification results, including a photograph. LACRIS plans to acquire additional devices for wider distribution throughout Los Angeles County.
Additional Contact:
Los Angeles County Regional Identification System
Lt. Leo Norton
(562) 345-4319
# # # # #
More information on the device is here. (Note: As some of you know, I work for a competitor.)
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