While certain organizations will let anybody join, others are more selective.
One group known for being selective is the Junior League. I suspect that a 13 year old teen girl with a green mohawk and a well-known heroin habit won't be welcomed with open arms. But Jennifer Whittaker has news for those who think they have what it takes:
The Junior League of Riverside will be hosting a Potential Member Reception on Wednesday, August 20th at the California State Historic Citrus Park located at 9400 Dufferin Ave in Riverside from 6:30-8:00 pm. Women who are interested in learning about JLR and its commitment to Riverside's past, present and future are encouraged to attend.
Now one would think that a local Chamber of Commerce would be less selective. One would think wrong, as Brian Day reports from San Dimas:
Sid Maksoudian, owner of Chalet Gourmet in the 100 block of West Bonita Avenue, said he runs a legitimate business and believes the denial of his application last week was motivated by the biases of board members....
Ted Powl, the San Dimas chamber president, defended the rejection.
"We just don't understand why he would apply, given the positions he's stated in the past," Powl said.
Maksoudian has been an outspoken critic of the chamber and city government.
In recent weeks, Maksoudian has accused the chamber of engaging in fraud. He was also involved in a long-standing dispute with the city over the proposed opening of his upscale liquor store on West Bonita Avenue.
Fraud? But Chambers of Commerce are happy places. Just ask Ted Powl:
We are here to help all of the businesses located and doing business in San Dimas. Membership in the Chamber makes our task easier by enabling us to get to know your business better and allowing us to offer the advice and services tailored to your needs. It also enables us to offer you the valuable experiences that help develop your leadership skills that will move you and your business to the next level. Membership also puts you in direct touch with other members who are potential customers, suppliers, associates or mentors.
All in all, membership in the Chamber is an investment that you cannot afford to pass up.
Unless, of course, the Chamber passes YOU up.
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago