I remember my wedding day well, and I remember how everything came together on that day. My wife and I didn't have an extravagant wedding, but there certainly were some expenses. Luckily for us, we were both employed at the time, and our parents were able to help out to make our wedding day special.
This is not always the case for everyone. It's no secret that our military personnel do not necessarily receive the highest salaries, and it's tough for some of them to arrange for their wedding days.
Because of this, a number of volunteers in the Inland Empire recently banded together in something called "Operation Cupid" - a celebration of marriage for ten military people and their spouses.
On this Thanksgiving Day, Bill Cortus has posted a video of the parade that preceded the weddings. The parade took place on Haven Avenue, the major north-south street through the city of Rancho Cucamonga.
The actual ceremonies took place at the Ontario Airport Hilton, according to Jannise Johnson:
Couples and their bridesmaids and groomsmen arrived in a limo. Each wedding party walked down a rose petal-strewn white walkway where they ascended the stairs to a stage for the actual ceremony.
Johnson also listed the couples:
The 10 couples - with the military person listed first and the names of their fiance following:
Marine Corporal Victor Martinez and Erika Acevedo; Coast Guard pilot La'Shanda Holmes and Jamal Jones; Marine Lance Cpl. Emerson Alex Rodriguez and Melissa Moore; Marine Sgt. David Castillo and Maritza Alvarado; Marine Pfc. Kevius Tamagyow and Jayline Dugwem; Marine Lance Cpl. Anthony Stewart Roldan and Rosa Rivera; Coast Guard Marine Science Technician and Petty Officer 2nd Class Jennifer E. Donnely and Raymond Jennings; and Marine E-3 Thomas Wright and Rocel Basco. Navy E-8 Sean Bailey and his bride Alison Bailey and Marine Sgt. Jose G. Herrera and his bride Australia Herrera repeated their vows in the wedding. The two couples merely married in simple court ceremonies before the military men were deployed.
Read the rest of Johnson's article here.
P.S. As long as I'm doing all my good blogger disclosures, I should mention that when I went to the Inland Valley Daily Bulletin website to read Jannise Johnson's article, this blogger received a 40% off coupon for the Hobby Lobby that is opening in Rancho Cucamonga. I don't know the value of this coupon yet - it depends on what my crafty bride may find.
Oh, and Bill Cortus' page is here, if you're interested in the services of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans.
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago