I had a little bit of extra time one morning due to a dental appointment that ended early, so I thought I'd take an alternate route for my morning commute. To get from Ontario to Orange County, I figured that I'd get on Archibald, head south across the bridge over the Santa Ana River, then go through Norco and Corona to get to Orange County. I hadn't taken that route in several years, and my primary intent in taking that route was to see how much of the cow pastures still remained in Ontario. The last time I drove it, the route was pretty much cow country all the way from Riverside Drive to Norco. So anyways, I got on Archibald, and within about a half mile I found myself in cow country. At least on Archibald, the suburbanization of south Ontario hasn't occurred yet. And then I continued driving, until I hit the Eastvale city limit. Yes, the Eastvale city limit. Several years ago, Eastvale wasn't even a city. Back in 2007, I blogged about Eastvale's incorporation efforts. I've blogged about Eastvale a few other times, most recently in 2009 when I wrote about some charity work that Jay Johnstone was performing. Well, I guess they've incorporated now. So I drove along Archibald, and passed housing communities, and more housing communities, and even more housing communities. Presumably the bulk of the businesses are on Hamner. And the housing continued, almost all the way to the bridge over the Santa Ana River. And by the way, Eastvale did capture the area east of Hamner, according to this map, when it incorporated in October 2010.
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago