Food trucks are usually not discussed at any length, but that has changed in recent months.
As I noted back in April, the IE Food Truck Fest was scheduled (and held) in Ontario back in June. Frankly, I thought that it was silly to buy tickets to get to a food truck, and then to have to pay for the food.
Things were a little different last weekend, when I went to the Inland Empire Auto Show. In this case, I paid money (and parking) to actually see an event, and the food trucks were just an additional benefit. And a delicious love - I tweeted my love for Baconmania.
Well, the publicity surrounding these food truck events in San Bernardino county has had a positive effect:
The [San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors] unanimously agreed to amend a county ordinance to establish a new category of "hot food truck events" that would allow food trucks to operate at sites other than temporary special events such as outdoor festivals, circuses, rodeos, etc.
But rest assured that San Bernardino County is not going to become a lawless bastion of free enterprise like its neighboring counties to the west:
Supervisors Janice Rutherford and Brad Mitzelfelt pushed to allow food trucks to operate anywhere in the county, but they were outnumbered.
Supervisor Neil Derry said his biggest concern was the potential competition food trucks could have on brick and mortar restaurants that are heavily invested in the communities they serve and whose sales tax revenue stays in city and county coffers.
Let me go on record as saying that I oppose Derry's view. Not that Derry will ever see my view - I'm sure that Derry refuses to read blogs (and the ads that appear in them) because they adversely affect the San Bernardino Sun and other community newspapers (not including the Press Enterprise). And Derry presumably isn't an Amazon Associate either.
But Derry is a blogger. If you go to, you can see this post:
This is Neil talking. Sed pulvinar orci eu velit suscipit gravida. Ut pulvinar mattis placerat. Nunc ut sodales nibh. Aenean tincidunt euismod magna adipiscing commodo. Donec facilisis posuere mauris, et scelerisque nulla dignissim non. Suspendisse sagittis urna at tortor sagittis dignissim laoreet nisi varius. Praesent interdum lacus vitae quam viverra ultricies. Phasellus euismod tempus nisi, at molestie libero pretium sed. Pellentesque non elit vitae mi fermentum ultrices. Aliquam tincidunt sodales ullamcorper. Vivamus ac elit odio. Aenean sit amet est mi.
Get the man a pulled pork/bacon slider...
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
5 years ago