The big news on the tubes earlier this week was Congress' move to YouTube to communicate with constituents.
NewTeeVee talked about it:
Move over Judson Laipply and Tay Zonday, there’s a new crop of YouTube stars gunning for you. Their name? The United States Congress. In conjunction with the 111th session of Congress kicking off today, YouTube is launching channels for the Senate and the House of Representatives....
[T]hese YouTube channels are pretty cool. You can click on a map of the country to bring up videos from your representatives, go “behind the scenes,” and even post a question. Hopefully this open forum won’t be ruined by the often-moronic comments YouTubers typically post (”U R DUMB. I H8 TAXEZ!”), and perhaps this won’t be just another empty new media gesture Congressional reps undertake to make themselves look more transparent.
Then ReadWriteWeb started to look at the channels:
One trend we noticed on a lot of these pages, however, was that quite a few Senators and Representatives decided not to allow comments on their videos. We would hope that more of our elected officials would value comments from their constituents.
So this raises the question - what are our Inland Empire officials doing?
Joe Baca was already on YouTube on the Congressional Hispanic Caucus YouTube channel. And yes, they allow comments.
But as for the HouseHub itself, part of the channel's page - presumably, the map - has been blocked by a corporate firewall, which makes searching pretty hard. Although I was unable to find a Joe Baca channel, Baca is not only on the Congressional Hispanic Caucus channel, but also often appears on a channel called CuidadanoAmericano. And yes, that's Cuidadano, not Ciudadano.
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
4 years ago