Any college or university that has been around for a while is bound to have had some famous graduates - or, in the case of my alma mater, a famous non-graduate.
California State University at San Bernardino has an Alumni Spotlight page that features their leading alumni. Here are three of them:
Lee D. Roberts (B.A. biology 1974, B.A. economics 1975) is the former president and CEO of FileNet Corporation, a Costa Mesa-based business process and content management software company. Lee joined FileNet in 1997 and led the company’s transformation to the industry’s top enterprise content management provider. He currently is vice president and general manager of content management at IBM, which acquired FileNet in 2006, and where Lee worked for more than 20 years before joining FileNet.
Lois Carson (B.A. English 1967) is the recipient of the 2007 Lyndon Baines Johnson Human Services Award from the national Community Action Partnership. Lois, who is the executive director of the Community Action Partnership of Riverside County, was honored for her efforts helping low-income families change their lives.
Robert Bouttier (B.A. business administration 1977) is the president and chief operating officer for the Automobile Club of Southern California. Bob, a 32-year veteran of the Auto Club, oversees the daily operations of the largest AAA-affiliated motor club in the country. He was named COO in 2005, and prior to that promotion served as senior vice president of marketing and member services. Bob serves on the board of the Los Angeles Sports Council and also is a director of AAA Life Insurance Company.
More here.
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
4 years ago