For some reason Roy Rogers entered my mind this evening, and I idly searched my FriendFeed friends to see how much they talked about Roy. After seeing the paltry response, I wrote:
Only three of my FriendFeed friends have mentioned Roy Rogers in calendar year 2010. I need new friends.
So I searched outside my friend circle to see what people were saying about Roy.
I wish I hadn't.
You see, I ran across this article, which mentioned:
...a weekend clear-out at the former Roy Rogers and Dale Evans Museum, which closed last year.
Last I heard the museum had relocated from Victorville to Branson in 2003. The former Victorville site is now an auto mall. Apparently the museum didn't succeed in Branson either. Here's part of what Roy Rogers Jr. said:
The decision to close the Museum has come after two years of steady decline in visitors to the Museum. A lot of factors have made our decision for us. The economy for one, people are just not traveling as much. Dad's fans are getting older, and concerned about their retirement funds. Everyone is concerned about their future in this present economy. Secondly, with our high fiscal obligations we cannot continue to accumulate debt to keep the doors open.This situation is one I have not wanted to happen. Dad always said- “If the museum starts costing you money, then liquidate everything and move on.” Myself and my family have tried to hold together the Museum and collection for over 15 years, so it is very difficult to think that it will all be gone soon.
But the article was not about the museum closure. It was about something even more shocking.
One of Hollywood's most beloved animal stars is to be sold off at auction -- even though it's dead.
Country cowboy and singer Roy Rogers had his trusty equine sidekick Trigger stuffed when the animal died in 1965.
A taxidermist was commissioned to mount the animal in a rearing position.
Now, the creature is to be sold off next month....
Yes, they're auctioning off Trigger.
And you know how the joke goes...there's a likely buyer.
The evolution will not be televised - Bryan Adams and AllMusic
If you poke around on the Internet, you can find this odd FAQ:
*Why can't I find Bryan Adams on AllMusic? Due to the request of Mr. Adams,
we are no long...
4 years ago