Friday, April 16, 2010

#followfriday why @thevixy @EvelynErives @darknight247

I' in the tradition of my Friday April 9 post in my Empoprise-MU music blog and, semi-following a suggestions from Chris Brogan, using a blog post to provide additional "follow Friday" information on the people that I'm following.

The three people mentioned in this post are in some way connected with the Inland Empire.

Let's start with Caroline. I knew that I was going to include @thevixy in this Inland Empire list. Caroline is a student, a tweeter, a blogger, a FriendFeeder, and probably a few dozen other things. Definitely a multi-faceted individual. Plus, she likes my stuff on FriendFeed.

While social media types know Caroline, Inland Empire radio types know Evelyn - Evelyn Erives of KGGI. She tweets as @EvelynErives when she isn't trading barbs with Jeff Pope in the morning. Erives blogs at the KGGI web site.

Now the next person isn't famous on radio, and I'm not sure how famous he is in the social media world, but Foursquare users in the area certainly know him. Salvador tweets as @darknight247, and of course can also be found on Foursquare. And he gets around a lot, so he could oust you as mayor of a location - he ousted me.

And yes, I do have a Twitter list associated with the Empoprise-IE blog: